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1888年河南常青律师招聘信息,美国一名烟卷制造商马文•史东(Marvin Stone)在香烟生产过程得到了灵感,发明了 西方世界第一支具有现代工业雏形河南常青律师招聘信息的纸吸管。从此,纸吸管(以及此后的塑料吸管)就开始取代天然麦秆,成为美国人饮酒、喝饮料的必备品。

In 1888, Marvin Stone, one of the cigarette manufacturers in the U.S., drew inspirations from the cigarette production and invented the first paper straw in history. From then on, paper straws replaced wheat-straws as necessities in drinking alcohol and beverages.

而在此之前一千多年,在遥远的东方,一种带有“吸管”性质的杯具早已出现在历史的长河中,成为 集审美情趣与实用性于一体的器具。

Yet back in ancient China, people had already used artistic cups designed with tools resembling drinking straws to make drinking both convenient and pleasant.

青白釉划花莲纹吸杯,年代不详 Green-white glazed cup with a straw


Now let's take a look at these special utensils.

中国“吸管”雏形最早可以追溯到 三国时期。


In as early as the Three Kingdoms (220-280) period, Zheng Que, a literatus, came up with the idea for topers to drink with a specially-made "cup" during sanfu, the hottest and dampest period of summer. He put a stemmed lotus leaf on an inkstone container and poured three liters of fermented rice wine (mi jiu) on it. Then, he pierced the pedicle with a hair clasp, pulling up the stem and bending it into an S-shaped "straw" for drinking the wine.

后来,古人将这种浪漫的饮酒方式即为 “碧筒饮”,用来盛酒的荷叶就叫“荷叶杯”或“碧筒杯”,也因为所带吸管弯如象鼻,这种杯也被呼作“象鼻杯”。

His invention, named "bitong cup", was recorded in Youyang zazu (《酉阳杂俎》), an important miscellany written by an erudite and well-traveled chronicler, Duan Chengshi during the Tang Dynasty. Meanwhile, because the "straw" looked a bit like a trunk, the drinking vessel was also called "trunk cup".

这种“碧筒杯”在 唐宋时期十分盛行。

隋殷英童《采莲曲》中写到“荷叶捧成杯 ”;唐白居易《酒熟忆皇甫十》云“寂寞荷叶杯”;宋代李纲曾作“西轩小池荷花盛开,与宾客酌酒其上,以荷为杯,引满径醉”……这些诗词足以说明,把荷叶当酒杯、荷茎当吸管,始终是古代文人雅士的一种饮酒方式。

Testified by a number of circulating poems, the way of drinking wine—using lotus leaves as utensils while their stems as straws, was prevalent amongst men of letters in the Tang and Song dynasties.

明陈洪绶《隐居十六观》之《浇书》中碧筒饮之情境 Picture depicting ancient people drinking wine out of a lotus leaf with its stalk, by Chen Hongshou, Ming Dynasty

荷花多在夏天开放,而古人钟情于“碧筒饮”这种颇为浪漫的饮酒方式,想一年四季都能体会“折荷以为盏”的风雅。于是,河南常青律师招聘信息他们依照“碧筒杯”的形状烧制出“荷爵”(“荷”即荷花,“爵”泛指礼器),随后又出现了以 金、 银、玉、犀角等名贵材质仿制的荷叶吸杯。

Lotus often blooms in summer, but ancient people were fond of the "bitong cup" so much that they invented real straw-equipped cups in the shape of lotus for wine-tasting regardless of seasons. Such cups were made of various rare materials such as gold, silver, jade and rhinoceros horns.

就目前所知, 时代最早的碧筒杯为鎏金银荷叶吸杯,出土自陕西西安何家村,为 唐代文物。

The earliest one of their kind, as far as we know, was the one unearthed from Hejia Village in Xi'an of Northwest China's Shaanxi province, produced in the Tang Dynasty.

唐代鎏金银荷叶吸杯,陕西历史博物馆藏 Gilding cup in the shape of lotus, Tang Dynasty, housed in Shaanxi History Museum

它的全身犹如一个 弧度自然的荷叶叶面,分布着根根分明的茎叶脉络,配以上翘的茎管,活脱脱一个精美雅致的荷叶杯具。容器底部正中开一小口,连着一旁的茎管,让人能饮,能看,也能赏。

The gilding cup was in the shape of lotus with a natural curve. With imitative "veins" and "leaves" scattering on the surface, along with an upturned pipe and a small hole at the bottom, the cup was a combination of practicability and ornamental value.


Another cup with a straw from the same era, however, was presented in a completely different way.


On the Belitung shipwreck discovered off the coast of Belitung Island of Indonesia in 1998, a white-glazed green colored cup with a drinking straw drew a lot of public attention. There was a clay fish at the base, perfectly covering the opening hole down there which might otherwise be slightly unaesthetic.

在杯子的底端,有一条 活灵活现的小鱼,它的出现不仅增强了这个杯具的灵动感,还十分巧妙地遮住了与管身相连的小孔。

唐代白釉绿彩贴塑鱼纹吸杯 White-glazed green cup with a clay fish at the base, Tang Dynasty

唐朝工匠们还将以造型生动逼真、色泽艳丽以及富有生活气息而闻名于世的 唐三彩和吸杯相结合。

In the Tang Dynasty, craftsmen also combined cups with Tang tri-color glazed ceramics boasting lifelike appearances, flamboyance and vitality.

正如下图中这件深腹高足吸杯,杯身外壁施绿釉,杯内壁则白绿釉色相间,杯底内部有 小龟形立体装饰,栩栩如生。

As displayed below, the Tang tri-color glazed stem cup has a green glazed coating with a white and green glazed inner wall as well as a true-to-life turtle-shaped ornament at the bottom.

唐代唐三彩深腹吸杯,河南郑州大象陶瓷博物馆藏 Tang tri-color glazed deep-belly cup, Tang Dynasty, housed in the Zhengzhou Daxiang Ceramics Museum located in Central China's Henan province

而当杯底的动物已经不能满足古人们对于新鲜感的追求, 全身都塑造为一种动物造型的吸杯开始出现。

When hidden "animals" in cups got old-fashioned and failed to amaze people, animal-shaped cups emerged.

唐代邢窑白釉卧鸭式吸杯 White-glazed cup in the shape of a crouching duck made in Xing Kiln, Xingtai city in Hebei province, Tang Dynasty


The above cup was in the shape of a crouching duck with retracted wings. Its feet were designed into an upholder while its neck could be regarded as a fixed straw through which wine was drew out.

到了明朝时期, 犀角吸杯问世。

随着郑和七次下西洋之旅,犀角通过海上丝绸之路被大量输送到中国。刻犀名匠们利用犀角天然的圆锥造型,把犀角放在 掺有特殊药料的水内进行熬煮,令其变软,由此让犀角的两端对折,形成“V”字造型,变为吸杯的基本形状。这之后,再把宽大的一端雕成荷叶形杯身,尖窄一端制为吸管的莲梗。一只精美的犀角吸杯就此完成。

In the Ming Dynasty, cups made in the shape of rhinoceros horn made their appearances. Since Zheng He's seven great voyages to the West, a great number of rhinoceros horns were shipped to China. Craftsmen boiled the circular-coned horns in water mingled with preions to soften them so that they could be folded into a cup with "straw".

Afterwards, they carved the wide side into a lotus-leaf-shaped container and made the narrow side a "stalk". Then an exquisite rhinoceros horn cup with a straw was finished.

明代犀角雕莲蓬荷叶形杯,故宫博物院藏 Lotus-leaf shaped cup carved from rhinoceros horns, Ming Dynasty, housed in the Palace Museum

到了清朝,“碧筒杯”的形式和材质更为丰富,在造型上也有了突破——比如,在 釉色的选择上更为大胆。

"Bitong cups" developed more forms and textures with a breakthrough in styling in the Qing Dynasty, such as a bolder choice in glaze colors.

茄皮紫釉,最早出现于明代法华器(明代山西南部流行的一处低温釉陶器),经高温烧成独特的单色釉瓷——这一制作工艺在 清朝康熙年间达到顶峰。

Monochrome high-temperature sintered glaze in qiepizi, or aubergine (eggplant-skin purple) was first found in Fahua wares, an item of intangible heritage unique to the southern region of Shanxi in the Ming Dynasty. After centuries of improvements, the craftsmanship of making qiepizi glazed cups peaked during the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty.

清康熙茄皮紫釉牡丹吸杯 Peony-shaped cup in qiepizi, or aubergine (eggplant-skin purple), during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty

清乾隆粉青釉莲蓬式吸杯,故宫博物院藏 Lavender grey glazed cup in the shape of seedpod of the lotus, during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, housed in the Palace Museum

还有吸杯取材自 痕都斯坦玉器。痕都斯坦本为乾隆年间清廷对今北印度、阿富汗及土耳其一带的代称,痕都斯坦玉器则泛指中亚等地区的玉器。作为清宫之中普遍使用的玉种,其色内蕴深沉,温润如凝脂,工艺极其繁复。

Also applied to the cups was Hindustan Jade, which was named by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. Hindustan refers to the areas, from present-day northern India to Afghanistan and Turkey, in the Qing Dynasty, where jade carving enjoyed a long history and was noted for its excellence of craftsmanship and obvious Islamic style.

As one of the widely-used varieties by the Qing royal family, Hindustan Jade had dark colors and intrinsic beauty with congealed-fat-like-warmness thanks to a complicated technological process.

清乾隆痕都斯坦碧玉荷花式吸杯 Jasper lotus-shaped cup made of Hindustan Jade , during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty

数月前曾在社交网络上引起热议的“秋操”吸杯,则是清光绪年间为 纪念清军秋季操练而特制的纪念杯。

"Qiucao cup", a hotly-discussed topic on social media several months ago, was actually a sort of famille rose porcelain cups produced to commemorate the autumn military exercises held near Taihu in 1908 during the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty. With the time and place of the exercises inked in the back of the stem, "qiucao cups" were mainly designed into two styles— famille rose peony, and green-glazed lotus leave.


“秋操”杯的杯口圆唇、外敞,杯口呈花瓣形,腹部下收,平底。底部一侧有小圆孔,与荷梗相通。荷梗较细,中通, 随杯体曲弧向上。荷梗既为杯柄,又为吸管,颇具雅趣。

"Qiucao cup" had an open "mouth" with a shape of lotus petal. Also settled on the cup was a small, round hole at the bottom conjoining a hollow "stalk" stretching up in the air. The stem served both as the handle and the straw, making wine-drinking a pleasant experience.

清光绪粉彩荷花吸杯,河南博物院藏 Famille rose lotus-shaped cup, during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, housed in Henan Museum

清光绪粉彩荷花“秋操”杯 Famille rose lotus-shaped cup, during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty




Enlightened by the lotus that grows out of the mud unstained, ancient Chinese people created "bitong cups"— a reflection of their imagination and wisdom— in a time when straws were far from being invented.

来源 ▏丝路云帆


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